I saw lot of 1 star to 3 star & most of them buy this in 2020 & 2022. Thats shocking for me, I dont think Philips even made it since few years & only selling their stock, just guess bcoz if they still making it means its on demand & fabulous product, to be true i loved it, i was 26 & decided to be unmarried & spend my life live my life for my mom, I never did any job bcoz of that a master in computer application, making money in market & handling others account, just to be with her like for ever. And i started upgrading my moms all gadget 1 by 1 from 3 door fridge to front load fully automatic washing machine to dishwasher to this Philips iron, was 1 of the costliest exact same price i think 2700 or 2999. Not even a single day except 1 time wire change thar i did myself & now today. Found this while finding solution its heating way too much in a few second & all the water vapor. Cleaned twice but slight improvement & I dont gonna hand over my mom that risk her, I think the lot of salt type chemicals build inside the base chamber, now if I open it with what i seal it, plus 2 tin plate spot weld damaged & soldering is a mess on it, have to build a diy spot welder for this, I was going to buy her new, gave her option on amazon by enter philips & on flipkart, she saw the first iron purple one and said repair this 8k iron u nuts, so thanks philips for the wonderful experience, 1 star ?? less bcoz since begning when u stand the iron it makes mess, & the auto clean Knob was damaged on 3rd 4th year. Except for that I loved doing iron with this, way fast & i only wear lenin & pure cotton ironing them is 1 hell of a job but learned slowly. Still irritate with those salwar with tons of plate, ahhhh why. We just had 2 on our school time as far as i remember.