Hi friends, here is your friend mandeep and today I will share my experience on Philips gogear mix 64gb mp3 player. I buy this device from the amazon.in on the 12 oct. 2015 by paying amount of the 3799 rupees.I want to tell you some problem about this sony walkman music player:
I) .The music player has many good feature like FM radio very good and classic button for direct go to any directory and play any song and many more, but the problem is that the feature were not work properly after the 8 month of the buying the music player means this product is not reliable at all.
Ii). The sound quality is not up-to the mark. The sound set by the sony company were not appropriate at all.According to me the bass, is not present at all.
Iii) .The design is good but the hard thing that I found is how to use this device the configuration is too much complicated and hard.In short the player is very hard to use.so, rather than buying this you should go for something else. According to me you should buy I-Pod they were provide very good sound effect. Thanks for reading my review. Please rate my review useful or very useful. Have a nice day.