I had purchased the Philips new silent version of HL 1641, which had been recommended by family friends in Chennai. Muthulakshmi Store in Mumbai told me about the latest version.
This new product makes hardly any sound. I now do my cooking any time, without anybody at home realising that the mixie is on.
I have always seen my mom use a Sumeet, so when I got married was planning for the same, and then the family friends suggested this philips mixie.
What do I like about it, it hardly takes any space in the kitchen. Specially with Mumbai kicthens being tiny. It comes with 4 jars. With all the four jars all my grinding and even juicing requirements are taken care of.
Smoothest is the filter in the blender jar. You can puree tomato and get no seeds or skin in it. I even tried watermelon in it, superb juice without any seeds.
Work in my kitchen goes on without, anybody telling me to switch off my mixie.
I can put full onion and tomato in it, and it will ground to smooth paste. In the smallest jar, place two garlics and fine paste, no wastage. A small piece of ginger also and total paste.
Grinding is smooth, fast, and silently done.
Now no need to stop watching TV while I cook.