I have deeply visited website and found specifications of this product in the company website before the purchase.
I got this amazing products with many advantages like deep Bass, Setup self explanatory or well-documented in manual.
SPDIF in, Easy FM manual setup, Smooth Remote buttons, Low price product, Dolby Digital sound, easily play music directly from your iPod/iPhone/iPad, MP3 player, or laptop via a simple connection to home cinema, With DivX support,
The best thing is to EasyLink lets control multiple devices like DVD players, Blu-ray players, soundbar speaker, Home theater and TVs etc. with one remote and 300W RMS power delivers great sound for movies and music.
I orderd this product on Amazon in 8, 160 INR with cash on delivery and saved 1, 830(18%).
Superb quality sound and easy to handle .
There are a lot of service centers near my place and they are ready to handle any issue. Best service and support team.
Highly recommended and 5 stars from my side.