I started using a philips shaver first in 1986 and both me and my father were using it for nearly 7 years until the blades got worn out and since no replacements were readily available we switched back to razors.It was really satisfying as my shaving was over in next to no time and contrary to what some people said I did not develop any skin darkening around the chin area.I used to wonder why shavers are not widely sold and marketed in india.Even now Philips keeps a pretty low profile on its shavers in india and are not very visible on shop shelves.However they are widely used abroad.
And finally after many years I again bougt a philips shaver.Model name is HQ6940.It had the same three rotary heads as the earlier one and it works exclusive on mains.So no problem with batteries or recharging.Since I dont travel much I dont need those features.It is very light to hold and shaving is over in about 3 minutes.Shaving is to done on a dry face and it really gives a closer shave than a razor.
The 3 shavings heads have dual blades and use the lift and cut technology which gave a closer shave than my earlier one.The hairs are sucked inside and they can be easily cleaned with a brush.Shaving on the neck is to be done with a little care as that area has sensitive skin and you get a little burning sensation for sometime which will lessen over time.
So shaving is no elaborate ritual.No creams, no blades to replace and no nicks and cuts.It costs just Rs.2390/- and will give you years of troublefree shaving.
The twin header model which works on batteries only costs only Rs.900/-