I bought it recently and after 2 use, was beginning to think, wow this is even better than the earlier one I had(before this one, I was using an even more expensive one from Philips for the last 3 years). But during my 3rd use - ie within one month of purchase, it stopped working in between.
The pulley inside its head was shaky. So I had to put it straight and use again. Well this works, but then what happens is that this pulley issue happens very frequently. Some times, it happens only 3 or 4 times during a single use(I use it for trimming beard and normally takes only 5 - 10 minutes) and I would say that is ok. But now, within couple of months of buying, it has become completely useless. The pulley has to be reset, every 5 or 10 seconds it seems, which is absolutely not nice.
(My previous Philips trimmer worked perfect for the first 2 1/2 years and the pulley issue happend only after. I could bear the issue for the last 6 months and when it started getting very frequent, decided to go for a new one)
Now, the funny thing is, I took it to the Philips service centre, here in Kochi. Right on seeing the trimmer, the man said, I should spend around Rs.200 plus on a washer, which is missing causing the pulley to not work.(I use trimmers since 2002, and am very careful with it. This one has not even had a strong contact with any hard service or any fall from my hand). He doesnt know how the washer can go away like that(disappeared like a ghost), unless it fall down.
He also said, he will be receiving a packet of 100 no.s of this washers today evening, implying this is a regular issue for this trimmer.
So please note this friends.
Philips knows very well that there is a washer issue with this trimmer.
And they dont put this under its warranty.
It is a good trimmer, for a good price, except for this issue, which, if one is unlucky can occur within a month.