I must admit that I wasnt really looking around for a FM player when I bought this. I was at a neighbourhood electronics/electrical shop for some other stuff, when a dude came along and asked for this FM-player. The salesman opened the case and started showing it. I was immediately attracted by it good looks. It has a brushed metal face, with steel coloured (non-glazed) plastic body, and two little chrome buttons, and a white plastic rotary knob (ones you might find on any old transistor radios). The size is fairly small (slightly bigger than a matchbox, and just as thick). Looks wise it scores 8/10 in my books. The price was Rs.160/- inclusive of VAT. I didnt buy it right away, but something kept nagging me and I did buy it a week later. Now this thing takes 2 AAA cells, and given my past experience with AAA cells, they are costlier and drain fast, so I also purchased a pair of Everready NiMH rechargable AAA batts (I already had a universal NiMH charger). The battery pair cost me 110/-. Charged the batteries overnight, and by morning I was all set. Lack of manuals is not a big deal (well I am a kind of person, who reads manuals after total frustration at not getting things to work). Turn on the volume knob to switch-on (or ofF) and pressed Reset button once and then Scan button once. No good, no signal (only white noise). Pressed scan button again, yet again no success. Pressed reset again, and then scan button twice, this time, a nearly crystal clear voice of Darriuss broke out (RJ at RadioCity, Bangalore). The supplied headphones are just so-so. The voice cracks at high-volumes and as such the freq-range is quite limited (almost zero bass). I tried my Rs.600/- head-phones on them, and it rocked (but its going to take its toll on the batter I guess). The biggest problem faced so far is that the signal is lost often, and at times after many attempts I am not able to tune in. Apart from that, Ive been enjoying the radio.
[Edit] Well I figured out later that the poor reception (i.e. signal loss) etc., and difficulty in tuning is not because of the radio set itself, but more due to the high radio-pollution in my workplace. we have lot of radio transmission equipment and I believe -- that leads to a lot of radio interference. This radio seems to work quite well at home, or on road.