This is the best epilator product on the market and Im always afraid that Philips will stop making it. If you are interested in this system of hair removal this is definitely the product to buy. But yes, you must be ready for the fact that the first time you use any epilator, it can hurt. The roots of your hairs are still really big. With continued use those root bulbs are reduced. The first time I used it, I admit, I had to take a few breaks to get my whole leg. But unlike other products, each time I used it, it hurt less. Now, just over a year later, it doesnt hurt at all. Im not exaggerating. It doesnt hurt one bit. I use it maybe once a week. Or less.
When youre getting started, it will help immensely if you prepare you legs well for treatment. Exfoliate your legs regularily with a loofa. Before shaving have a warm soak in a bath and loofa. Make sure your legs are completely dry, but still warm from the bath. The hairs pull out much more easily and less painfully if you do!