This is an inexpensive Philips earbud type earphone with a bass vent design.
Theres not too much to these-no accessories or earpads, just easy going earphones.
Bass beat vents allow air movement for better sound
Bass beat vents allow air movement for better sound with a deep rich
15mm speaker driver optimizes wearing comfort
Small enough for optimum wearing comfort and big enough to deliver crisp, non-distorted sound, the 15 mm speaker driver is an ideal size for listening
Sound Quality
15mm driver in the SHE1360 is impressive-much better defined bass than Sony E818/E828/E829 or E10LP.
Listening to these with my iPod-the bass was ounchy with lots of loudness, which I like.
The Philips SHE1360 are highly recommended-as these can be had for a dirt cheap price and nice basslevels.