I have purchased Philips water purifier more than one and half year ago. Its service is excellent.
Its very easy to use and clean. It saves power too. One button push will give really pure water with UV
protection. The cleaning process is very easy and is automatic. You don’t have to remove anything and wash automatically it will clean the filter. Its power saving feature will protect you automatically by power saving mode if you forget to switch it of. The purifier will stop giving water after 3000 ltr. It is the indication that you have to change the filter. And you can buy the filer from any philips authorized shop and install it yourself.
Really unlike other purifiers it is really easy to use and will not make you call the service persons for simple things.
The service is also very good. 24x7 customer care by phone and even you can chat with the customer care executive to take care of you problems anytime.
Unlike Eukera Forbes it is very easy to maintain and clean. you don’t have to do any amc with the company. Actually I was surprised to know that before Philips has launched its own purifier Eureka Forbes was using Philips filter in their product. But after Philips lunch its own product Eureka is using China made filters.
I am very happy to own it. The basic model has cost me Rs 7550/-. There are other models with various features.