Phir Hera Pheri proved that Indian cinema is still not mature enough to do sequels well. Unlike many Hollywood movies where sequels have been even better than the first one, we either do not do sequels or just do a lousy job to encash on the popularity of the original movie.
Hera Pheri undoubtedly was one a refreshing comedy that captured characters in all their honesty, they were like one of us going through the ups and downs of life.
Phir Hera Pheri was:
Without a mature plot;
Had all the characters looking lst most of the time
Had a very poor orientation
Resorted to ccacophony type of comedy which can probably be liked just by small kids
Overall, I personally dozed off in the last part, where the din was at its peak so cant really comment on what was transpiring at that time, but in a way it had that magical dozing off effect on me that I could not even accompany my 7 year old son in LOL on what was happening on screen.