I saw this movie on its opening weekend. I have to admit, it is one of the BEST movies Ive seen in many years! Oddly enough, its all about a guy - you know, the yuppie (Colin Farell) you just want to HATE because hes such a taker and user and all the other bad words one could use to describe a so-called human being whose only interests are greed (monetary) and fame - a guy and his bad behaviors. Colins BS (you know what THAT means) finally catches up with him in New York. In a phone booth, of all places!! Keifer Sutherland, who plays BAD BOYS ohhh so well, is on a mission - a kind of pay-back that seems pretty nasty, BUT ... we like it!! So, Colin ends up spending an hour in a phone booth, in a not-so-hot neighborhood, with a vicious (yippeeeee!) Keifer who wants to send a message. And, let me tell you - the message is important!! Listen up, all you greedy, lying, cheating GenXers - the next phone call you get may be your last!! And ... if you live through the phone call, you better watch out! You might not want to answer your phone - cell phone, that is - after youve lied to someone! The cast was ... WELL-CAST. Photography? DAMN good (especially the close-ups of Colin)! Music? GOOD! Storyline? VERY good! You know, Ive never watched a movie (especially on opening night) where the audience was QUIET (for a change!) - NO ONE was yakking, NO ONE got up to get popcorn - no! I heard gasps, oh-ohs, and one heck of an applause at the end of this movie!
Pros : The Movie!
Cons: ccc