Phoonk -The Name does not at all draw same line as the story which has been potrayed .The movie is very old fashioned with Ram Gopal Varma showing animal pieces in each and every scenes.Everytime it seems something unexpected is going to happen but the audiences are left dissappointed and left laughing at certain scenes .As per my experience go by I liked only one scene along the entire movie that is when rakshas father sees himself in the mirror .
Raksha as a child actress is superb and so is the father .The villian also does very well
The doctors and scientific explainations have been potrayed in a very ordinary manner.
Barring one or two scenes rest of the movie just drags without putting any fear
Black Magic is a untouched topic and Varma has tried to make it snesitive but he does not meet with audience expectations .
Conclusion was were 9 of us who expected a lots but ended up being disappointed