PIA the Official Air Lines of Pakistan and I have my experience of flying through PIA many times, What to say about PIA, PIA is a unique air line with some of the features which differ it to other air lines of the worl they are:-
Air Crafts: the Air crafts of PIA are a good example of antiquities which are still in working condition. when you are traveling in it its more feel like you are traveling by train rather then airo plane. So in one ticket you are getting two tastes.
Food: Wawooow my mouth is full of water yumm yummm yummmmm and I dont find any place to spit it. if u havent experienced the Food poisoining So try the PIA food when u are eating in PIA it will be on your own risk.
Air Hosteses: Wawooow I never saw such a sexy Air hosteses ever in my life OMG I still remember her eyes, her Lips, Her Figure OMG I cant explain whata figure that was I was hard all over and so tensed but I didnt find the way to jumped out of the flight because she was about 60 years of age and she was wearing the dress which might be of 15 years old and her teeth were brown her nails were full of stains she was wearing shoes of Stone age and her face was more like a ............ then a Woman.
4 Stewards: my bad luck that on that flight there were many stewards as well all were all the way walking in air craft and were joking and giggling wid each others by stairing the ladies passengers sitting in that flight. one air hostes was a bit young of arround 30-35 years age and there was a continus number of those stewards and they in acouple dispear of 10 minuts then come back then they exchange some jokes and then she went wid other steward for 10 minuts disapeard come back jokes and so on so on.
I will really suggest you all to at least travel once wid PIA to feel the out class Pathetic Experience of Flying with PIA.