Its the pick of the lot when it comes to picture viewing and sorting. Its called Pica View from ACDsee and I am sure most will agree with me.
This handy software has really evolved into a reliable and must have software. Its a boon for the digital camera owners who have tons of images saved on to their hard-disks and no time to filter or organise them. ( I am the most dis-organised soul youve ever seen )
I have been using this little tool since almost 7 years or maybe more. It has this UNIQUE feature whereby any picture image could be previewed by just right-clicking on the file name.
This nifty little feature made life much easier when I had to sift through the numerous pictures I had on my hard-disk. I always riffled through to find a particular image or graphic in the File Manager now the Windows Explorer.
It was able to handle most of the image formats like .gif, .jpeg and .bmp besides others. It has now added much more powerful features like it even includes a music sampler wherein with just a right click I can preview any wave or mp3 file with ease without having to launch WINamp or Media Player.
I highly recommend this real cute, handy and useful software when sorting image files or sampling audio. Makes life simpler.
I am sorry I havent written much more because I use this software for only that particular right-click preview thumbnail feature but I am sure there will be many more graphic professionals out here who can elaborate more on this. May be I too could learn a trick or two from my peers.
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