I have been using Picsquare since its inception. Since then it has introduced new range of products for printing. But somewhere, it is losing focus. As an individual, I may treat Picsquare as a server where I can upload photos and take prints whenever I need. Hence, it is a storage device as well as a print service provider.
Unfortunately, Picsquare fails to deliver any of the above needs for an advanced user. Neither can one download the files, which have been uploaded. As a user, one prefers to keep all his photos in one place, but Picsqaure limits itself.
Picsquare offers printing on Mugs, T-Shirts, Magnets etc. But at what cost? Some of the products can be printed at half the price in the local market.
It is common knowledge that a photographer would love to have a photobook. But Picsquare, compared to Canvera, Snapfish and Apple offers substandard photobook with limited features and modification abilities.
A look at Snapfish, has made me move away from Picsquare.