With a consistent sweater over a long kurta for Bhaskor and an indo-western and urban wear for Piku, costume designer Veera Kapur must be appreciated for keeping the clothing in-line with the film.
Overall, the film takes you through a journey that makes you come out of the theater with a wide smile. Even an annoying person may no longer be that annoying because Piku prepares you for the worst.
A brilliant film is incomplete if the technical crew is not strong. Be it the candid shots of the journey or while portraying high-intensity emotion via ‘motion’, cameraman Kamaljeet Negi has aced his job. To make a taut 2 hours movie, editor Chandrashekhar Prajapati has a good eye for crisp and clean storytelling. A special mention to Anupam Roy for creating a soul stirring and resounding theme track which rings in your mind even after you walk out of the theater. Blending this beautiful sitar based score into the title credits, Chandrashekhar has created an unexplainable magic that even a simple text-based credits roll makes you read every name clearly