The Czech Republic is renowned among connoisseurs for producing some of the finest beers in the world and a Czech pilsner like Pilsner Urquell is a shining exemplification of the quality and refinement attainable in lager beer. Pilsner Urquell is the original pils with its origins dating back to 1842 to the town of Pilsen. This outstanding lager has a full flavored smoothness with an aroma of malt and hops.
It has a thoroughly refreshing taste with no discernible traces of yeastiness.Pilsner Urquell has a rich golden color, a bit deeper than most lagers produced in Western Europe. I believe the Czech brewers use the famed hops of the Zatec region of Bohemia and the very soft waters of Pilsen enable them to have high hopping rates, which allows a clean bitterness to emerge in the final product. The end result is a classic-no wonder Pilsner Urquell is one of the treasures of the Czech Republic. You do not have to travel to Prague or Pilsen to get this famed lager for these days it is widely available in many parts of the world. I have seen it in Singapore and I guess it is probably available in India as well.
The grand-daddy of pils is, in my opinion, among the best beers in the world and is well worth searching for. A half-liter glass of Pilsner Urquell goes down great with sausages, hot dog, meatloaf and the goulash that is such a popular dish in Middle Europe. If you should be in to curries, as I am, then what better drink to combat the pyrotechnics of the curry but a glass or two of the original from Pilsen.