First of all I will tell you story. A lawyer help girls to come out of half murder case. But its a very intence movie. Mr. Amitabh Btchan had done best job. He had done a role of lawyer. But this movie will make you think about wemons libralization in india. Lot of rules mr amitabh say which our society belive which are really wrong for females. And a dark side of our socity was shown. Very gripy script and nice screneplay. Dirction of movie was excellent and director had made pepole think about lot of things like womens value in our society, amitabhs caracter, how some of the educated mans think about women , why womens are always questioned, etc. Lot of scilent stories in movie. Only one song which also make support to movie. If some body respect women must watch. No eccesive drama or no exagareted situations. If you are a lover of masala movie please dont watch because it will never impact you.