Because pink colour delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness. But y a girl is associated with the colour pink. I mean its not big deal but I dont understand why. Anyways movie is presented well, movie is based on gender discrimination that is happening in India. Amitabh bachchan is an advocate on behalf of the girls who was molested and to save herself she took the defense and hit the guy back and the girl who was molested is in a trial and was prosecuted. The movie talks about the consent, it says that consent of a person should be given importance, that unless and until consent it not given no one has the right to even touch someone. A no is itself everything, NO means NO, further explanation is not required it’s so simple to understand even though it is given no importance. It means if a girl does not give u consent and is asking you stop it one should stop the very moment. Its says that a woman can wear shorts dresses she can hang around with guys and have drink but that does make the women available. So the movie basically portrayed a strong women fighting for them till the end. I like the movie, a well presented movie. One should must watch and learn. Facts were presented well, and the situations shown in the movie is exactly how they happen in life. cast of the movie is also good. I would highly recommend this movie, and suggest that people of all genders should go and watch it, and they should talk about it.