It is always said, you can reach the GOD anyway, know first what GOD is: An entity, an element, a phenomenon, a work, a person.anything which when touches SUBLIMITY: . Amitabh Bachchan is the GOD which makes u feel sublime through silver screen, A Bimal Da or Hrishikhesh Da through some Bandini or Anand, just like an Einstein throug relativity, Newton throguh Physics, Piccaso through painting, Jesus through liberation, Alexander through the eyes of one world, Buddh through humanity, Mozart through Music, .there are many means to reach the GOD.common is the purity which perfection attains through sublimity, PINK is nothing else but a sublime Godly realization of being Human.some wear its T-shirt and kill black bucks to humans on road.while some live it through purity of their existence like this entire team.where GOD connects thrugh a man, who has lived with us for past 50 years as: AMITABH BACHCHAN! It would be a sin if u miss this one!