*SO THE WAIT IS OVER, At last Jack Sparrow is back and he is not alone, he has got some of his friends.Captain Barbosa and ofcourse Will Turner and Elizabeth He survived "CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL" and found "DEAD MANs CHEST".This time he has been to "THE WORLDs END.So the movie starts from Singapore and ends at umm...
I dont know the place.Well, it seems like there is place of another sequel.In this part Captain Jack Sparrow Defeats Davy Jones.Barbosa gets his ship again i.e. THE BLACK PEARL.Will turner marries Elizabeth and believe me youve never seen a wedding like that.And Will becomes a pirate and Elizabeth has got his heart in a chest.And Jack Sparrow again with bottle of wine, his compass and a Map which leads to a new ummm..... A new Ship or may be an unknown location.
This movie has got over 2000 special effects and superb graphics.Johnny Depp again proved himself a fabulous actor.Orlando Bloom could have done better and Keira Knightley was fine too.A must watch for POTC series fans.Way to go Jack Sparrow!!!Ouch SORRY, way to go CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW.*