SO EVEN while visiting USA I went to see this knowing that dead mans chest was a damp squid saved by a giant shrimp who swallowed jack at the end in part 2, so it was no surprise as he was released immediately from the locker by keira and bloom , as we know without him this squid cant survive too as he is the main lifeline for the series , as for the other two leads both keira and bloom took ages to talk and romance and finally decided to get married in the middle of a naval battle.
But then the movie took 3 hours of buttock numbing , nerve wrecking, ship sinking , stupendous time to tie every loose end left loose in the first two prequels which were so many , you could easily have remade the whole franchise again , why oh why was it so long as I spent 3 hours sitting waiting for it to end and every minute ticked as we got to worlds end , hopefully no ones coming back from there except the audience .
Now dont expect even a spiderman 3 which is much more entertaining as this is a tandem too slow but the effects and graphics are great and its running to packed houses with the fans say its better then dead mans chest and I agree as if you could get worse then that in this lifetime .
But this has depp performing better then the first two so its saved by his wit and charm though keira looks anorexic as hell as she didnt get any food to eat throughout the shoot , maybe the budget spent too much on sinking ships then feeding the cast and crew and bloom was a bit lost as if what am I doing with this skeletal english lass , all the rest of the ugly pirates were there and the finale used every cgi possible to make you dazed and razed to exhaustion .
I didnt mind watching it as you all will watch it too as ive seen far worse but then I didnt expect a godfather or deer hunter so neither should you , but one thing is for sure it wont beat spidey 3 , that might be achieved by shrek 3 , but im scepticalabout that too as spidey rules globally .
The plot was written after the shoot started in far east , on flihgts across pacific and it shows as the dialogues are pedestrian and the movie at times grinds to a complete halt in comparison to the frenetic part 2 , but the studio disney and the distributors were so keen to make it they didnt care as it had to release over the memorial weekend in usa and uk .
so hollywood has another poorly scripted , well visualised movie for a summer blockbuster .
No ones complaining and im recommending it to you too for the graphics alone but the plot im afraid youll have to do without and as for the dialogues , less said the better.
Hope you enjoy the dinners which keira knightley missed to make it in the august company of mr depp who saved the sinking ship virtually single handed , as chow yun fat has little to di except talk endlessly or jump from one ship to another and as for sinking ships there are enough to sink all the bollywood biggies that have sunk so far this year at the box office .
Well the plot is wafer thin to say the least and if I narrate it in 4 sentences its saying all the pirates gather together to hunt for the final prize which will make them almighty and the british and french get involved too so its like a world war prior to ww1 with germany replaced by the multinational global pirates who are all very ugly and all talk like parrots as well , as if birds flu struck the fleet before it hit china where its supposed to be happenning .
The poor chinese had no choice in the matter as hollywood was spending a huge amount of money in hiring extras and chinese want as many dollars as possible , only hollywood will make more then it spent so it will have the last laugh , as did mr depp have in the movie itself at his charming best.
Bavo mr depp , no wonder you are hollywoods no1 as is srk bollywoods no1 as he can save kabi alvida na kehna too .
Lets get them together in part 4 to make a huge blockbuster as thats all bollywood or hollywood seems to be interested in these days
cheers and enjoy
only recommended for visual fun