To all who loved reading treasure island and asterix. This is must see movie.
Story is about a pirate boy and a real pirate who is funny and stylish in his own way. Depp charms viewers with his tone and style of words. Bad pirates wish to end the curse so is the theme and they need blood of pirate who is not cursed. There is romance, like age old epics. Poor boy, rich girl, differences of classes. Pirates are cursed and moon light reveals skeletons beneath their skins. These pirates are dangerous and on other hands their ship, flag attracts.
Pirates are fascinating characters. History is full of their adventures. There had been many infamous pirates in history. They were cruel and had courts of their own rules. Women were not kept apart. Some famous names include females too.
This movie gives a chance to take look inside the lives of pirates. Costumes are fantastic and you feel you are on board. Story dates back to 17th century when it was golden time for pirates. It will entertain you for sure.
There are good sound and special effects. Technically movie is good.
I was completely delighted to see a movie on subject I like. It was like taking disney ride.