This movie is much much better than Charlies Angels because well come on we all know that women are strong but not that strong so as to jump off a 50 metre tall building without a scratch right?
The movie was pretty cool though well I really hated the bits with the skeleton bodies those were gross and well scary. Orlando Bloom was really awesome and Keira Nightshade was pretty cool better than she was in bend it like beckham. Orland bloom well I like him better in lord of the rings though this wasnt bad he was really cool. Jhonny Depp was hilarious he is too funny and the way he walks is too cute.
By the way did anyone notice that the medallions were those gold medallion chocolates. the ships were crafty and well the bit when orlando and jhonny are under that boat thing and no water is inside the boat is too cool I wanna try it though I would be scared to do tha in the sea I have fish phobia especially sharks.
Anyway now my mum is telling me to come and eat so I gotta stop typing though I edit this later.