OK so here goes, my first review. Ive decided to do it on a film but instead of a current one I decided to stick to a favourite. When I was told we were watching a film for our coursework, the last film I expected to be watching was this but after watching it I loved it do Ive decided to share my views on it. Hope you enjoy it
Info on film...
Producer:Jerry Bruckheimer
Director: Gore Verbinski
Actors: Johnny Depp-Jack Sparrow
Orlando Bloom-Will Turner
Keira Knightly-Elizabeth Swann
Jack Davenport-Commodore Norrington
Geoffery Rush-Captain Barbossa
Release Date: July 19th 2003
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Rating: PG 12
Running Time: 137 minutes
Summary of plot
Pirates Of The Caribbean- The Curse Of The Black Pearl is an action packed adventure set in the 17th century which tells the story of how a blacksmith?s assistant, Will Turner must team up with rogue pirate Jack Sparrow; after the governor?s daughter Elizabeth Swann is kidnapped by a gang of evil pirates on a mission to remove an ancient curse. Led by the malevolent Captain Barbossa, the pirates intend to reverse the curse that leaves them stuck between life and death with only the moonlight revealing their skeletons; by using Elizabeth?s blood and the gold coin medallion to return to their normal selves.
Detailed Review
Based on a Disney theme park ride, Verbinski leaves no expenses spared with special effects, gory battle scenes and breathtaking locations, but stays faithful to the theme of pirates including swordfights, romance, plank-walking, rope swinging, ancient curses, eye patches, treasure and parrots. Verbinski has thrown in everything that makes pirates great and made it work. The film starts off with Will being rescued by Governor Swann after Captain Barbossa throws him into the sea. Elizabeth notices he is wearing a gold coin medallion, which is a sign used throughout the film and takes it hiding his identity from everyone. After refusing to join Captain Barbossa?s mutiny, Will?s dad walked the plank so Captain Barbossa threw Will into the sea; but he didn?t know that to lift the curse, the last of the stolen gold along with the blood of the last thief is needed, but since Will?s dad is dead it is Will they need but only the audience is aware of this yet.
The film starts off slow with Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightly and Jack Davenport delivering their lines as if in great anticipation for the action scenes to start. Then enters Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow, who instantly lights up the screen complete with flowing scarves, bandanna, trinkets braided into his hair and two pronged goatee, gold teeth, smeared mascara, flamboyant outfit and even an Essex accent. He looks the typical pirate. He is in the seaport town of Governor Swann to steal himself a new vessel but ends up rescuing the governor?s daughter Elizabeth (Keira Knightly), who is everything a governor?s daughter should be young, beautiful and fearless.
However his plans are ruined when Commodore Norrington (Jack Davenport) wants to arrest him for piracy. Jack goes on the run but is caught when he comes face to face with Will. This starts of an extremely thrilling and amusing swordfight between the two of them. Will is portrayed as a very experienced swordsman but the obscuring camera angles Verbinski uses suggests that maybe stunt performers were used. He uses medium long shots and long shots to show the action and so makes it very enjoyable to watch. This scene sets the mood for the rest of the film and implies that there is much more to come. Meanwhile Jack is thrown into prison but he comes out sooner than he thought he would.
In search of the gold coin medallion, Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) attacks the town, leaving it in chaos and kidnapping Elizabeth who he believes will help lift the curse. The kidnapping of Elizabeth propels the rest of the cast to her pursuit and into a rollicking adventure. Geoffrey Rush does an excellent job in playing Captain Barbossa, he underplays his villain. His face hardly moves and he makes good use of his voice to emphasise his villainous character. Will intent on rescuing the love of his life and becoming her knight in shining armour enlists the help of Jack in return for his freedom.
Orlando Bloom is portrayed as a serious, passionate and skilled swordsman, and the sincere way he delivers his lines make us instantly fall in love with him but at times he seems dull. In comparison Johnny Depp has based his performance on Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards but his character is clearly defined and he doesn?t change it; maintaining the peculiar character throughout the film making him the star of every scene. With his breezy confidence, he takes danger in his stride and even though the situation is dire, he manages to lighten it with his charm.
Will and Jack set off in search of the Black Pearl, which you can immediately recognise with its black sails, black roger and smoke surrounding it. Even the thought of it sends chills down your spine which just shows what a good job the set designers have done. The dialogue is not the film?s strongest point, it was written by Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio but it seems they reserve the best lines for Depp. The special effects team have done a terrific job. Verbinski has given them a chance to show their magic and it is nothing less than amazing.
It is impressive to watch when whenever they are struck by moonlight; their flesh disappears from their limbs, bodies and faces to become ghoulish skeletons. We are shown how skeletons walk, talk and even drink rum. These sequences have been done with perfection and the editing is remarkable. Will and Jack are certainly surprise and find it extremely hard to fight them. After a while it gets a bit repetitive and tedious but nevertheless is sill enjoyable to watch. Keira Knightly, not wanting to be left out also joins in on the action. She shines on screen, but more focus is given to Depp and Bloom but she still does a good job. Alongside the main actors are the supporting actors including Kevin McNally on Sparrow?s side and Mackenzie on Captain Barbossa?s side who do a fine job.
Verbinski uses a variety of camera angles and shots including close ups, medium close ups, extreme long shots; but mainly uses long shots and medium long shots since there is a lot of action. As well as different camera shots Verbinski uses signs and codes. As soon as we see the Black Roger and black sails, we immediately know that it is the Black Pearl. The gold coin medallion is another sign used and is quite significant to the film. Also the clothes and props the characters have such as eye patches for pirates and the uniform for Governor Swann, we know who the pirates and we can tell that Elizabeth?s father is a governor signifying importance. Verbinski also uses non digetic music such as drum beats so we can tell that the Black Pearl is approaching. This helps build tension but the humour keeps the film from becoming too creepy.
Final Thoughts
Pirates of the Caribbean is a swashbuckling roller coaster tale, a must see for all pirate fans. Although everyone has done a great job Depp is the star who shines the brightest. Although he overacts to enhance the comedy; without Depp the film would have been exceedingly dull. He is always one step ahead of everyone else and the audience is always left guessing what he will do next and this adds more suspense, surprises and humour. His contagious high spirits raise the entire film to rumbustious fun.