I saw this movie because I like two acotors in the movie. Orlando bloom who is ok. And johhny depp. I thought johnny depp was ok untill I saw this movie. Johnny Depp was the funniest in this movie.
It is about this guy Captin Jack Sparrow who is not the cleanest or ordinary guy. He is a pirate who used to be on the black pearl. The black pearl is this ship with these ghosts/pirates. There ghosts because when you start to attack them they dont die. You just see there bones fighting.
This movie was alot of special effects. The special affects were great. That was one of my favorite parts of the movie. If you dont like action movies then you will not like this movie.
The actors where great in this movie. Orlando bloom in this movie was a carpender who liked this girl. Elizabeth Swann(Keira Knightley from bend it like beckham.) She is the govenors daughter. This movie is so good you should go to rent it right now!!