If you depend on F1 for your daily fix, then head straight to pitpass. Its probabably the only site thats run by a journo whos also serious F1 fanatic. And it wasnt started with profit as the primary motive - it shows. While there are enough and more F1 sites run by media houses and specialist companies, I think they lack the spirit and character of pitpass. Whether you like it or not, F1 is a sport that was born and developed in Europe. This site reaks of a truly European (perhaps, a shade towards British) character - frank, witty, passionately laid back and a bit beery. Most other sites give you hard cold news - some times a little faster - presented in truly slick media style and stop there. At pitpass, the editor Chris Balfe mixes it with the common fan-down-the-pub views, debates, humour and more. If the other sites are like watching CNN, then pitpass is like gossiping on the latest happenings with friends at a hangout. Its BigMac vs roti at a dhaba, 3-piece suit vs jeans & tees, weekdays vs week-ends, Aishwarya Rai vs that favourite cousin. For new Indian race fans, this site will give a taste of the true F1 flavour. As an Indian, if you are used to stories that moon over Narain Karthikeyan as the F1 hero, this will be an eye opener. Youll realize number 17 is where NK, in the current Jordan, belongs. But you wont be disappointed for it. I would love to see them adding a video section there... but they may not have the funds, you see. So, step on the button folks. Its racing time!