The long standing pizza hut needs no information.yet it is not the same old pizza hut anymore. Its not just about the pizzas bread and the salads but beyond. From dusty Margharitas to cheesy pops pizza hut has come up a long way. Back in 90s the concept of salad bar was pretty fascinating . Also another attraction was periodic flash mob performances by serving staff as of now what attracts more at pizza hut is the newly added items on their menu which includes various sides.
Italian soups and an array of desserts.the prepration part is still as whole-hearted as itwas always. But I can say that the freshness and quality of salads have gone low a big time. The bright red ambience and a tantalizing aroma of cheese that fills the restaurent will make you crave for more. It wont be wrong to say that pizza hut still remains a top favorite dine-in option for pizza-lovers while dominos remains the home-delivery favorite! With so many new local pizza outlets PIZZA HUT is losing its sheen however for a reality good pizza you have just one stop and thats PiZZA HUT!