Now, I must begin this review by saying I live in Australia. I know its supposed to be the same from Barstow to Zurich, but Im not so sure. I should also say that I worked for good ol pepsico making the things for a year, so I have some inside perspective.
The pizzas are great. The variety, and quality of the crust types is something that sets PH apart from any other. The pan style crust is definitely much imitated, but never bettered. Ive lovingly rolled and stretched the thin ones myself, and enjoy those from time to time also.
The toppings are always fresh. That was one of the things that stuck in my mind, working there - the stuff was really fresh, and the turnover helped ensure this. The double cheese layer is something the others either dont do, or dont do well enough. And the tomato sauce, well Ive tried to replicate that myself for a few years, and am still nowhere near it. The garlic bread also stands out above the rest in quality and texture.
That having been said, I find that they are no longer willing to compete with other pizza makers. There is a great atmosphere of matching your competitors offers here in Sydney, so true competition exists. They no longer do that. So I say Pizza Hut, compete or perish...