As all other people I too enjoy pizzas to the max but of late the trend is disturbing...
in an effort to reach more people they are nor trying to indinize the offerings.. the recent point in case launch of Tanduri pizzas ...come on guys .. give ua a break.. piza is an itilian stuff and it taste best the they make it not the way we indians make it... please dont try to make pizza a Desi paratha with some toppings...
secondly of late the quality is goign down..
ever visited a pizza hut in CP-delhi or the one in DLF gurgoan... !! the arrangements at the CP one is pathetic..seats or broken..old tattered leather seats.. unclean tables...
and to top it all sever times they mess up on the orders u order a extera chees topings and u will geta extera baby corn topping...later to be told by the humble waither that he guffed up...
come on people we know u can diliver best service but of late u r notliving up to ur name...
prove us that u r really world class