Aamir Khan is one Bollywood star who regularly involve himself in meaningful films that carry strong social messages while providing wholesome entertainment. PK is a very bold attempt at criticising our irrational customs and beliefs. The storyline is quite novel, replete with hilarious situations and dialogues, but it is in fact a very serious film that exposes our hypocrisy and ridicules our credulity.
Aamir Khan as PK is here there and everywhere in this film, and his portrayal of an extremely loveable, human-like being from another planet is fantastic to say the least. The only flaw in this film seems to be the climax when PK faces the redoubtable Dharma-guru Tejaswi, played by the incomparable Saurav Shukla.
When Tejaswi challenges PK to answer a tricky but important question, PK fails to provide a rationally convincing answer, and turns emotional instead to woo the audience. Nevertheless, this film will be remembered for a long long time as a rare kind of thought-provoking entertainer.