Dear all
If you are planning a trip via road route, going by your own vehicle(four wheeler) n if u urself are going to drive, do take some precautions n some checks.
- Carefully check the following doc before u start
a) Your licence
b) RC
c) Insurance
d) Other supporting doc like pollution checks n which so ever applies to ur place.
- Regarding your vehicle
a) check the tyres for air pressure n any other problem
b) oil n water wherever required in your car
c) fog lights(winters)
d) also get the extra tyre checked for emergency
e) check the horn(v imp)
f) check the vehicle for any kind of oil leakage(specially engine area)
If possible, just get ur vehicle serviced once before the journey.
Keep some waste clothes for cleaning of screens
Take care of the rear view while u keep luggage in the back of the vehicle(dependent on vehicle)
Keep drinking water in the vehicle.
Once above things taken care of n u r gonna start, check the position n alignment of the driver seat.position it to the best of ur requirement.
adjust all the mirror views once in for all.
never ever wait for getting on to highway for filling the petrol tank but always get it filled in the city itself.
once started, the key word to drive on any road is patience n even if speed thrills u, just be sure that even in the extreme conditions u wont forget where the brake is in ur vehicle(now this is no joke, in most of the emergencies people press accelerator instead of applying brakes and that becomes fatal)
Never try to follow a huge vehicle like bus/loaded truck at a high speed for longer duration, either keep a safe distance or overtake bcoz u r never able to see properly beyond such a vehicle, they easily cross any hurdles leaving u behind with the problem.
try to avoid night driving, but if its compulsary, be patient n dont drive fast, maintain distance, use the dipper properly, follow all indicators and again avoid following any heavy vehicle.
Drunk n driving - Always remember GOD, dont ask me anything.