Playgroundonline is site which has Attracting rates and deals, but there is a catch to it.
their quality of service is so pathetic that Simply it is the worst Ive found.
Ive done numerous online transactions but never face a problem with other websites except for playgroundonline.
Ive ordered a pair of shoes and made payment instantly for the same. Confirmed the order with them on phone. So I thought now I will receive my order withing 3/5 working days.
week passed but I neither receive any Message or E-mail from them. they are so pathetic in quality of service that they cant even keep up with their customers and their orders.
After a Week daily Ive to remind them about my order and they say "Sir we will send it tomorrow". and After 9 days I got mail saying "The color which you ordered is not available with us". Now you can only imagine what kind of pathetic service they give. Mental trauma they give to customers is add on feature of playgroundonline.
please I advise stay away from this website.its Waste of money and precious Time.
just wanted to share my experience.