So on 23 may the results of elections came out and bjp won coming back to power with the substantial majority in the lok sabha and fittingly any producer dream the movie PM Narendra Modi is setup date of release 1 day after result.
Accordingly many people especially modi fans storm into threatre to watch this Omung Kumar directed film staring vivek oberoi here me talking about good and bad aspects of the movie so you guys can finally decide wether to watch the movie or not.
As the film is the biopic of PM Narendra Modi it showcases the life of pm modi which includes his fight against Gujarat riots, corruption and his journey of becoming pm of india providing little to no criticism of its long political journey.
The Soundtrack-
Surprisingly some of the music works perfectly as a movie telling tool.
The entire sequence of the movie deciding to become sanyasi and travel to north of india leaving behind all comforts and fakira plays in the background is visually stunning and lyrics by Irsuad kamil add to its texture. There is a particular rap by Parry g even though it come across the very out of place of politician we all know as a prime minister it is a very catchy tune.
Acting Performance-
This film with respect to performances of the supporting cast is not leave you thinking that one particular person left us in absolute talk. This movie designed and dedicated to vivek oberoi so that he can show off as much as possible. No matter what but this man can act his bloody socks off since start of his career the man has proven time and time again that he is very capable actor. For this biopic even though the movie only portrait current prime minister with only one stroke that is deshbhaki and selflessness vivek does as much.
Bad aspects-
A man with no flaws if you are the person who goes into threatre without any bias you will clearly recognize the movie is not a biography but a hagiography which present situation only in reference to the personality dedicated to. I after watching a movie like sanju was blown away but only a retrospect realize a movie was just design to convey to us that sanjay dutt was a victim of circumstance every time and actually its feeling was result of people conspiring against him the beauty of film is to see the characters with positive and negative characteristics I mean that's what makes them human but this will provide the portrayal of a man with absolutely no flow a man who was patriotic at young age have ideals to fight and work for his country whole heartdly and who never faulted in his political journey. This leads a movie rather than providing us layers to the characters actually only become the movie presenting the best highlights of a politician who accordingly to the movie can do never wrong.
Final verdict-
This is one time watch movie.