Since the mergering of pnb and metlife .this is the best plan they hv laumched. Best for above 25 aged persons imcomed 50k p.a.
So the plan discription is : -
If you save 3000 per month for span of just 10 years.the company would gve you the apprx double amount of 642000.
The company gives you the insurnce cover of 3, 40, 000
Plus the premium deposited till date with interest for your nominee.
Its has loan facility.
Main perks are.the whole maturity amount will be tax free accrding toh sec 80 ( c) of income tax act.
The tax exempted amount is upto 150000 accrdimg to sec 10( 10D)
. So it is competely a suitable plan fr those.looking fir a good imvestmnt opportunity .for childre education fund after 10 years.
Pls give your feedback about this plan.