I try to open the website but its the worst of the websites. It does not open most of the times. I thought of taking just a printout of the premiums but till now I could not login into the website. Even when I call the customer service regarding this, they say, its down now, u can try later...But, I could not see it UP never and ever.
Regarding my policy..My agent had enabled Auto-debit facility without myself knowing it. As I am near to due date, I paid the premium 1 day in advance feb17th 2011. Again on due date 18th feb 2011, the premium amt got debited.
I am really surprised why this happened and went through the document and came to know that Auto-debit is ON.
Then called Metlife customer service
1) They said..we can see 2 transactions but could not confirm it..may take 1 week time that it gets confirmed. So, after a week they called me back, asked if the amt can be taken as next years premium.
I said no..and asked for refund of the amount..and they have taken the request and said a cheque will be sent to comm address..I said ok..fine..
2)Later a week, they called me and said..we need account statement and written statement..that too not via mail..to the bank address...
Didnt they know this when I am logging a refund request.. Only after a week, they told me this..
3) ok..I said..and asked that guy..if I can send..auto-debit cancellation letter..(which I have to provide a written stmt) and this refund request in the same courier..The person said fine..u can send both in the same courier..
I have sent both the written statements + acnt statement..in the same courier..march7th....they have cancelled auto-debit..
4) I called Metlife..on March9th and enquired about both..they said..auto-debit is OFF now..and refund is in progress..n it taked 15-20 working days..for the cheque..
I wonder..why cheque, because it is the same account that they debited from my account using auto-debit facility. Cant they credit into the account..They replied, No, we can credit only if you have paid using credit card..Whats the use for customers??
5) And, I was under the impression that atleast by March end, I will be receiving the amount..and
called Metlife on March28th for status enquiry.They replied..we havent received the acnt statement yet..please provide the same..I was really frustated of this stupid answer..because Auto-debit is OFF...with the written stmt provided by me..and I have also sent the refund req in the same courier..
They say they havent received refund req..But, I couriered in the same one..
What a stupidity is this..I just shouted at the lady..who answered the call..She asked for courier POD no..I had no number at that time..
And asked to call the branch to which I have sent the courier..Begumpet..Hyderabad..
When I call them, its non-stoply engaged..
Even if I forget sending acnt stmt, because I logged a call, they should remind me, , .No reminder sent..
6) Later in the evening, once again , I couriered all the required documents. This time only refund request..and called Metlife..The guy who lifted..the phone said..the girl who attended the call in the morning..expedited the process..and she will get back to me..he is not saying when will she gets back to me..or with what will she get back to me..
I said..u will once again ask me abt courier POD no..thats it..u will never return my money..pls note down the courier POD no, I said..and have given that..
7) next day, that is today, 29th March, some lady called me..and asked to email the same..I said..anyway..I have sent the courier once again..and I have mailed them the same too..
Should wait for their next response....I want my money back..Its Rs.25000..It may be a less amt for me..but what a stupid process is this?
1) No credit facility..
2) Website never UP.
3) Agent not intimating me..in advance of the Auto-debit..
4) No email faciility...why all written documents..
5) Wrong answers..courier contains..all documents..but lying just to customers..
6) Frustating the customers just playing with their money..
7) Very late feedback..and customer service..
8) Finally, I am eagerly waiting when will I get my money..Its more than 1.5 months that Metlife holded my money..I need with interest..