POGO channel is widely watched by the kids. Although the channel was launched in India during 2004. I was introduced to watching the shows aired in Pogo only in 2008. At the start of the channel, the programs were in English and now the programs are available in multi languages in India. The channel has some of the best animated shows as well as live action shows. Some of the Best shows that I think are
1. Bob the Builder:
This was the one of the best activity show, which I would watch with my cousin. This shows actually builds logical thinking, creativity and do it yourself. Many of the activities were simple and easy to follow. Now a days this show is not available.
2. Thomas Engine:
This is animation story of the train telecast daily. This is the animated story of train and engines. Kids enjoy this show. This show consist of adventures that thomas and friends carry out and overcome. Nice concept. This show is still telcast in Mornings.
3. Chhota Bheem:
This is a story of Bheem and his friends. The concept is really taken by heart at kids and has lot of followers. The story line are really good. This is the main TRP of the channel.
4. Hagemaru:
Hagemaru is a bright ten-year old boy who learns to be miserly from his parents and ends up being miserly like them.
5. FAQ:
This show comes twice in a day. Once at morning and once at noon. I feel this has replaced Bob the builder. I also watch this show with my kid, as this clarifies the fundamental on science and technology. Good and worth to watch.
6. Mr. Bean Animated:
Who can make you laugh other then Mr. Bean. This show really makes the Kid Laugh A Loud. Some times I wonder why the kids laugh so loudly watching at this show. Great entertainment and entertainer.
7. Mightly Raju
Raju is a highly intelligent four year old who has super-human strength. He has a strong moral code, including a willingness to risk his own safety in the service of good without any expectation of reward. This as also some creative and imaginary stuff in the show. This show is worth watching.