dont think I have to wirte this.. as everyone knows its a good channel..
but still!
its the best channel for kids!
its not just animated series but educational programs also like Barney, beakmans world, pogo safari etc...
also, franny , kipper though animations are quite cute!
my son is just 2 yrs old, but he loves programs like boohbah and teletubbies and hi-5 especially the songs and dance sequences in hi-5. He also loves the fun show Takeshi Castle !
some other good shows which even adults can enjoy are Mr Bean, beakmans world, fingertips, just for laughs etc.
The best show to mention is MAD , the new show that comes every sunday at 11:30 am.. its a music-art-dance show.. dont know the names of the anchors but the guy shows really cool art and crafts.. very easy and fun.. right time to launch such a program and some of the ideas will help keep kids busy in the holidays..
i love the channel, and my son does as well... on benefit im getting is , my son used to take at least 1 hr for a meal.. with me running behind him all the time.. but Pogo has simplified the job for me :) I just put on the TV, tune in to Pogo, and my kiddo finishes his kunch in 20 min flat :))
i also used to like the programa barney, tweenies and boohbah.. when they were in english, they were very useful to learn spoken english... but now most of the programs are in hindi.. and didnt see the Tweenies for a long time..
they should switch the programs back to English and may be re-runs in hindi.
well thats it... and yes the last thing to add, its better if kids are hokked on to Pogo than watching vulgar remix song videos!