The movie is gud!! acting is superb!! everything is jus perfect!! the film consists of both comedy , a gud plot, gud songs.......prince mahesh babu is outstanding!!! The best part in the film is its climax or turning point or wats so ever!! every character is jus correct at its place.the villan prakash raj is a fantastic person. he is the person with talent!!!!
The comedians ali , bramhanandam were excellent! ilyana- was gud. One thing which annoyed me was the dialogue delivery only at some places .(example: the scene in the train where mahesh babu fights with the rowdis and saves ilyana. she tells that she gets scared to see and talk to him but still again she goes and hugs him). the is the only dialogue i didnt feel sensable. but this is also covered up!!
But rest of the movie is mind blowing. by this moive tollywood has showed its standard in action films too.The costumes were also too gud and both the leads look comfy, cool.I thank the script writter who used his brains.