The movie is the scene by scene remake of the telugu blockbuster, by the same name.It is the story of a police-officer who destroys his rival don group, by joining the group as one of their henchmen.But, the film, inspite of it being a scene by scene remake, lacks the same tempo and momentum, that the telugu version had.
But, this tamil version will certainly make us laugh for 2 hrs, 50 minutes, due to the followingTOP 10 COMEDIES:
*COMEDY NO.10: VADIVELU, trying to do some "evergreen"comedies, like urinating in vijays bike, drinking water gushing out of his ass-hole(yuck!), and of-course getting beaten up(in his routine fashion)by the hero, his friends, the heroine, the villain, and almost everyone else in the film!
*COMEDY NO.9:PRABHUDEVA, the director, taking 90% from the telugu version, and claiming he has worked so hard!The 10%, that is original in this tamil version is thecheapcomedy track of vadivelu!
*COMEDY NO.8:ASIN, who comes, jolls, laughs, cries and goes, showing that she is trisha no.2.More funnier is when this actress says she accepts only important and meaningful roles.She is not even a part of the main story, in this film.So sad to see her do roles like this, after promising so much in "ULLAM KETKUME"&"GHAJINI".Hope, this talented actress starts concentrating more on her roles in the future, rather than whom she is acting along with!
*COMEDY NO.7:PRAKASHRAJ & ANANDARAJ, supposed to be dreaded villains, turning out to be the real comedians!When will Prakashraj stop using his "GILLI"dialoguechellam?Like Vijay films, this thing is also getting stale.
*COMEDY NO.6:Most of the reviews and people commenting that Vijay and Asin share a terrific on-screen chemistry!Not only the scenes involving them were irritating, but very unnatural.
Asin(for reasons unknown) overacting, and, Vijay-not even acting!
*COMEDY NO.5:Ladies and family audience, flocking into the theatres to see this "family(?!?)"entertainer!(kalikaalam!).The movie particularly shows the women, in poor light.
*COMEDY NO.4:Ofcourse, our "ilayathalapathy"!Everyone knows he copies rajini and his style of movies for survival, these days.In this film, he has gone one step further, byxeroxing the body-language and mannerisms of the telugu superstar MAHESHBABU(who did the original telugu version).OK, doing remakes is a normal thing, but aping another actor is something, which I am seeing just now(Those, who have seen both the versions can understand, what I am saying).
By trying to show himself as "next rajini" in films like "thirumalai", "thirupachi", "sivakasi", he spoiled the name of rajini.And, now he has spoiled the name of maheshbabu!
*COMEDY NO.3:His so-called die-hard fans, who have a penchant for wasting their money in enjoying these kind of films.For them, story, acting everything takes a back-seat.All they want is Vijay coming and shouting some punch-dialogues(Rajini will deliver them, whereas Vijay will shout), and atleast 2 or 3 "KUTHU"songs, which is a must.
*COMEDY NO.2:Our "SUPERHERO" Vijay, who makes use of hispickle heroine andsilly comedian to mock at his much talented counterpart, SURYA.(courtesy, theSUTTUM VIZHI song from "ghajini")
He did things like this to AJITH, VIKRAM and DHANUSH in his previous films.And now, it is the turn of surya(since his popularity is rising).I want to say that I have mentioned this, not only because I like SURYA and AJITH.What I mean to say is that Vijay, being a top star himself, should understand the concept of "healthy competion" and "mutual respect".I wonder, when is Vijay going to stop his "childish" attitude of mocking at his fellow counterparts.
*COMEDY NO.1:Theaward must go to Vijay coming in the police uniform as an IPS officer.Thank god, this atrocity comes only towards the end of the film.To be honest, he looks like a high-school watchman(same khaki uniform).I think it will be gr8 if SUNTV arranges a "pattimandram" on the following topic:
Which made u laugh more in "POKKIRI"-VADIVELUskungfugetup or VIJAYsPOLICE getup?
I am suresolomonpapaiya will give the verdict in vijays favour!
As the film ended with Vijays punch-dialogue, I was wondering what was so special in this film to have become such a big hit.It only showcases the deteriorating levels of the tastes of our audience.THE ONLY"+"POINTS IN THIS FILM ARE:
But, can this alone be a reason for a films success?Atleast, the telugu version had the rivetting performance and screen-presence of MAHESHBABU.I have to say that Vijay, trying to emulate Maheshbabu, has falied miserably.
Though this "POKKIRI" is definitely better than Vijays previous flick "AATHI"(which was a torture), I still wont recommend this film, due to too much of blood, gore, violence, and particularly double-meaning dialogues!And, as far as story and acting goes, there is nothing special!Just, mindless "entertainment"
Still, "GILLI" remains the last of the good films from vijay.