I have had ice creams in most of the places as you can guess girls & Ice creams deadly combination. But the treat and lip smacking taste I found at Polar Bear Nailed it on the Map! I was just lost and still not found. Must Trys - Top on my list would be Cookie+cream ice cream Mindboggling! what ever that means! and second is the Kulfi flavor which is another yumm! Well I would love to be there every now and then if I had and have a sponsor-er.
Anyways my friends out there instead of just reading this and watering your mouth run to your nearest Polar Bear snatch one and smack two! And coming to Kumaraswamy layout branch place is kind of cool atleast spacious neat and tidy maintained you would definitely not feel your pocket holed if visited here once. then would come twice and then comes thrice and then n+1. I would suggest all my friends and family here and I would rate them a 10.5 on 10.