Hello, I am sharing my personal experience with Polar Legacy 6 litre storage water heater. Last winter I was bought polar legacy water heater.In starting the gyser was working good. It was heating water properly but it takes too much time to heating water about 40-50 minutes. Its heating power was very slow and poor. Then suddenly after 3 months the gyser was starting problem. It doesnt heating water even in 1 hour it doesnt heating water. The gyser was in warranty period so, I was calling to customer service but they doesnt received my call. many times I was trying but they doesnt replying me. customer service was very weak and careless. Then I was calling local mechanic for showing the default.
Next day the mechanic come and check the gyser and told that the heating rod of gyser was not working it would be burned thats why the gyser doesnt heating water. And then mechanic was changing the rod of gyser and I was paying charges for gyser Rs 800. So, the durability of gyser was worst and poor. Because of it I was facing many problems. Then I was returned back gyser to the company and brought other gyser .
Talking about user friendly. The gyser was very easy to use there was no problem to use it. Its function was very understanding.
Its style and design was not appreciated . The design was old not more attractive. We can not handy easily. it is heavy in weight not easy to carry. I was not impressed with the service and durability of gyser.
So, I doesnt suggested to buy polar legacy water heater. And I will give it 2 out of 5 because of its user friendly.