This is about my experience for Personal Loan with Policy Bazar which finally I didnt took(even after 20 days they were asking me sir did you get any call from bank people). They are very quick in giving you a call once you first apply and then your worst experience starts.
they will ask for documents and will send a person.After a week they starts giving excuses. Sir this is not matching, this is the issue and then instead of giving you any status update, they will ask you about the status(who is supposed to give that).
Executives handling calls are themselves not sure about the policies. They provide wrong numbers. They themselves not sure about what document they need.
and the same thing happened twice. So stay away from this website and their people. For me, they have changed the meaning of Personal Loan. I did not receive any reply for that personal Loan till not, it is 25 days now.
Hope this feedback helps.
Akshay Rastogi