I was motivated to see the Policy Bazaar advertisement and tried policy bazaar for the policy. When you want to compare the policy it is mandatory to enter Phone number. I carefully read their privacy policy and it states that numbers would not be shared to any person outside of Policy bazaar. After comparing some policies, I thought that I would come back to the site.
The next day, I was getting calls from all sorts of insurance companies, naturally my number was sold by policy bazaar. WTF. Still, I thought of not giving up at this point as I required a policy. I was getting 12-15 calls per day from Max Bupa, 5-6 calls from other insurance companies and prior to my registering on policy bazaar there were no calls, no one in my family knew that I wanted a policy. After few days, I get a call from policy bazaar guy. He directed me to some policies and told me about all the policies. I was happy because he seemed to tell that no one from an insurance company would tell this. So, we finalaized on a policy and he described the Terms and conditions of the policy. At the end of all this I was notified by the guy that my call is being recorded. WHAT! why was I not told before, and if I did not hear anything correctly and purchase the policy recommended to me they had everything to show & sue me that they told me this.
My number has been circulated to "N" numbers of insurance companies. I used to get around 50 calls some days. And someone finally managed to sell me my car insurance stating they were people from skoda which I later found out they werent.
Bottom line: Never Ever advice anyone to even visit the site Policybazaar.com. If youre buying a policy from such an unethical company, you are bound to be doomed.
I will never ever advise anyone to use policybazaar. And my advise to policy bazaar, either shut down this fake business selling policies online might sound like a good idea but with unethical attitude on a low credibility medium like internet, it is adding absolutely no value to actual users who want to buy a policy.
and please "Do NOT SELL PHONE NUMBERS TO OTHER AGENCIES", this is utter nonsense, someone needs to file an official complaint against you people in the court!