Pondicherry ----- a unanimous decision by all of us one fine morning sitting in our classroom amidst a class discussion for the annual Study Tour. The explosions and clashes in finalizing a destination for architectural and peaceful significance and learning suddenly subsided with the name PONDICHERRY.....a small town situated in the South would be accepted by a majority was a stunning effect...but it happened. The very fact for we Mumbaites to think about the South and its serene beauty is a treat indeed.. I guess that was the reason of the unanimity....
The tour agent, date and month that was August was fixed... but I knew that we were not in for a virtual weather treat here at this moment... but as far as the silence was concerned I preferred to maintain the same in the class. We took the Chennai express from Mumbai and reached Chennai the day after in the morning, after which we proceeded halting for breakfast tasting what is called amazing relishing south Indian food, idli- wada- sambhar and filter coffee.... a three hour journey by bus was not tiring except for that virtual weather treat I mentioned before--- the scotching heat of the sun... but I think the sun all the more brightened the ambience and made it more crisp, a kind of a visual treat...we passed the road that would have lead us to Mahabalipuram which was of course in the schedule for the next 7 days... we passed Dakshinchitra...
Our lodging was right in the heart of the city... a fairly good hotel- Hotel Aditya- where we got refreshed and on the very same day went out for a Heritage walk.....
Well I am sorry guys, me being an Architecture student will be only explaining the place in terms of its Architecture, nature and life style.... coz I exclusively travel to study these aspects that actually interest me intensely...
The Heritage walk was initially believed by us that it would be tiring and worthless but by the end of the day we decided to keep our beliefs packed in our knapsacks and leave them back in the hotel... it began by first visiting the INTACH (Indian National Trust of Art, Culture and Heritage) office...where there were conservation Architects present to explain us the history and heritage of the glorious place that still lives exuding its essence of its past history....
An interesting feature I learnt was about Pondy as a town, it was well planned... it still stands secure within its planning... it constitutes of the upper half that is the TAMIL QUARTER...and the lower half the FRENCH QUARTER..Below which is the Bay of Bengal right at its feet.... the two quarters influenced each other tremendously that is why you will find a blend of Tamil and European Architecture... but this effect is slowly and sadly diminishing in the Tamil Quarter due to the fast and growing rate of demolishing of heritage buildings and building sad and not even contemporary buildings in their place... a photo gallery of the works and defeats that they faced while helping to save such a detrimental change were clearly seen...
We started our walk through parts of Tamil Quarter that was busy, noisy and the hub of all activities and commerce and trade that entered the city. In that place people knew only Tamil but very few knew Hindi, then we proceeded and entered the French stream where there were clean roads typical Indo - French settlements and still there were landlords who were French residing there.... the people around were normally French with meager localites in that quarter...the buildings were huge with huge welcoming doors, typical basket windows that were seen in every house, courtyards with huge columns lined along the portico and amazing street scapes... this quarter was bordered by the shore line that was rocky but extremely clean...there were many government buildings situated in this part of the town like the Lt. Governors Palace, the Legislative Assembly, Government Hospital, etc. They were all topped by the government park at the center which was another visual treat....... the Auribindo ashram was another peaceful place where the entrance itself was adorned with beautiful colorful flowers and a beautiful garden with different plants that I had never seen before was well landscaped...
The next day we visited Dakshinchitra.... in short it can be described as a museum that contains models of traditional south Indian houses.... from the native Tamil Nadu to Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh another exquisite piece of educational masterpiece. There were houses which belonged to traders, Brahmins, warriors and laborers, that were identifiably different from each other from each state.... the lunch that followed was served on the traditional banana leaf that was adorned beautifully with colorful and delicious food....
The next day we visited Auroville-----The international City of Unity.... its an Indo French collaboration where a city stands with its uniquely designed masterpiece houses...something that really interested us... they concentrated on features like solar energy, local materials and local laborers to construct their houses in their own city.... their lifestyle was a lill intriguing to us initially but we decided not to interfere, we wanted to stay there for long but couldn’t as there was time restrain... the main feature was the Matri Mandir..... Frankly since it is my review... I dont blame about its unique construction, a place for meditation.... what not... but frankly we did not as architecture students enjoy or prefer to comment on the structure or it significance, I dont know how to put it... but it was something that we regret visiting...... architecturally the town is designed around the matri Mandir as it is the focal point and the concept of the design of the town... but..........
The next few days went in visiting places like Mahabalipuram for its historical significance and its exquisite beaches.... overall the trip enthralled us and was refreshing from the usual busy life that we experience everyday here.... to shop ... you get loads of diff types of candles, pottery, lamp shades in pottery thats what I purchased...n yes amazing hand made paper, paper bags and hand made files... worth a treasure....
But a special mention please dont visit this place during the summer and before September... you will have a special friend along with you the whole trip ... the sun... will always be above you and close to you, that you will inundate the poor lill town with tones of empty Basilar bottles.... but do visit the place an amazing place where I wish to go again n again n again.........
You can see this place and enjoy its beauty by cycling around the city and even at Auroville instead of walking miles to discover settlements you must hire a cycle and enjoy the place as much as you will enjoy the ride......