Well am a product of Pondicherry University. Pondicherry is known for its scenic beauty and peaceful life. I had real two years of fun and great experience at Pondicherry. The life in university is what everyone would long for. But I would like to remind that an IIT or a Harvard university or for that matter any educational institution is famous only because of its products and not just because of the world class faculty. I hardly find a communication between the alumini and the teaching faculty and the same can be extended between the present students and the alumini. Though I take pride in being a student of such a prestigious institution all that I have done is only that. A strong alumini network and their contribution for the University is very essential to make it rank among on the best. Further the administration should stretch their hands out to welcome its alumini and as well try to preserve its teaching faculty. I personally feel that there is a lot one can learn by being a part of Pondicherry University but all that at ones own interest. I hereby call upon the pass outs to do some contribution, immaterial of the kind, to make it grow and become better.