The cities and big towns are full of dust, smoke, industrial fumes, burnt ash flying in the sky which make the environment not only dusty but suffocating as well. But apart from suffocation we normally have irritating itches on our body.
The city and town life is very hectic as well. In metros like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi . The capitals of different States like Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Bhuvneshwar, Bhopal and like are noless than the Metros when compared to pollutyion and dusty atmosphere. The Industrial Cities like Kanpur, Ajmer, Agra, and like also have polluted environment. The skin gets itchy and body perspires. In addyion to the environment the people using garlic and onions , very regularly use in their foods.Their bodys smell is very foul in many cases and you can not tolerate the foul smell while sitting next to them in buses, and trains.
Diapers are used to keep babies dry because the urine can causes rashes and irrotate the child. To keep him dry diapers are used.Also the babies are kept covered so that mosquitoes or flies may not disturb his sleep.And due to the cover the babies perspire at times.
As such Talc Powder is used by males., females and children The talc is sprinkled over the whole body after a bath During summer any person coming home after work gets fresh and many use talc after washing their faces or having evening bath. The Talc keeps the body cool and fragrant.
The Talc is made up of Calcium carbonate (lime ), talc and fragrance.In fact asbestos was being used earlier but it is banned by law now.
Pnds is a very famous brand for cosmetics. Ponds manufactures the following talcs:
- Dream Flower Skin Brightening Talc,
2.Oil Control Talc,
Magic Soft and Fresh talc
Sandalwood Pure Sandal Talc.
Though all its above products are in use but DREAM FLOWER talc is used by greater percentage of consumers.
Its cost for 400 gms packis Rs.75/- You get 200gms packing as well.
Caution: While using talc it must be ensured that it is not oinhaled or swallowed. It can cause respiratory problems and skin diseases as well.
While using for babies care be taken thatthe poder is not inhaled by the baby so keep his nose coversd. First take the powder in your hands and then apply it around his neck or on his cheeks.
The ladies use the talc by sprinkling over whole body including the portion near their genitals. In such cases the continous use of talc may gradualy make lining inside the ovaries and may become cancer patients. The overies bet cancerous. So use talc with care around thighs/hips area.
The gents also must take care while applying talc sround their genital areas to remain safe from getting cancerous affections.
Inhaling or swallowing talc results in respiratory problems and may cause lung cancer.
The above diseases can be avoided by taking due care. These problems can be caused by any Body Sprikler Talc.
HoweverIhave found that PONDS DREAM FLOWER Talc has served me well since my adulthood. In my childhood I used to have CUTICARA Talc when it used to be imported from France.But after my childhood PONDS TALC has served me best and without causing any problem to me or my family members.
I can very safely recommend Pond;s Dream Flower Talc to all and sundry,