My face had become extremely dull and and covered with tan due to approaching summers
I needed a way to brighten up my face and bring back the pre glow on my face
then my friend suggested me PONDS MEN ENERGY CHARGE FACE WASH which costed me around 80 rs and was really very affordable
I used it for a week and the results started to appear
my face had become brighter and whiter and all dead cells were removed which removed the tan and bought the old skin
you have to use it once in a day
and make sure do not let your face skin to come in direct contact with sun as it again gonna damage your face skin
it is very healthy and rejuvinates your skin opening all the pores of your face skin and making the cells to respire and intake oxygen
it even cleans all the dirt and pollutants accumulated on your face
just apply it thoroughly on your wet face and rince it with normal water
and dont rub your face hard with a towel
as it gonna make your skin loose