I am never behind any skin lightening creams to get a fairer complexion but I definitely want something that would reduce the black spots on my face so that I get an even complexion. I havent tried any fairness creams available in the market but have tried a few products which claim to give you a soft and even complexion but not so satisfied with any and havent re-purchased any cream more than 2 packs.
We visited my hubbys friends house and his wife had a huge collection of cosmetics which she picked up from many countries. In spite of having so many creams and lotions she said she doesnt use many as many do not suit her skin and she showed me a small container and said this is what she has been using now a days and she really like this and prefers it over the expensive things she has. Well I definitely felt she must be exaggerating and she must be using all those things but still as she was praising this thing so much I though I would give it a try myself.(btw her complexion was quite even and soft so that was also a motivating factor for my purchase). This is the first time I have tried any lightening cream hence I cannot compare it with any other skin lightening creams in the market but definitely I can say that this cream is good enough that I dont need to try any other.
Also I am not sure if makes you any fairer but it does lighten the dark spots and therefore my face seems brighter. I know the difference because I even started using Olay total effects at the same time I bought this cream so I had thought the brightness was due to Olay and after I finished a pack of ponds white beauty I didnt immediately buy a next container and in the meantime I noticed that my skin doesnt seem so much brighter and then I understood that its not Olay but ponds that made that difference. Now I got another container of ponds white beauty and am seeing the difference.
I had bought this in a twin pack with the face wash and I am quite happy with the face wash as well.